Monday, August 25, 2008

6 Weeks and Smiling!

Here are some shots of her smiling...and making other cute faces. You will have to excuse my poor picture taking skills...I am still learning how to use our camera.


We came home on Sunday the 6th. It was really hard for the first 4 weeks, and then it slowly began to improve. The first week I was a nervous reck. I was scared to death that I would do something wrong. I thought I needed to feed her every time she cried. It was hard to sleep and eat. I was also having nightmares. I prayed and sought the Lord, and He gave me so much help.

Our friends gave us the book Baby Wise, which teaches how to put a baby on a schedule, Buddy was so encouraging, and we had several people come over to help. I was so thankful for the great advice and encouragement I recieved from the women at our church that have 3 or 4 kids and lots of experience under their belt.

Here are some great pictures that Buddy took a few days after we came home:

this one was a little later-probably like 2 0r 3 weeks.

I am so thankful for our little girl! She is such a blessing. She has been a joy to me and Buddy. Now I can't imagine life without her. I love her so much!

At the Hospital

Emma was not the 10 lb baby we thought she would be, but she was still big at 8lbs 15oz. She was completely healthy and beautiful...and she had tons of hair( I have no idea where that came from). It took me a while to get the idea that I actually had a baby. It was so strange when they brought her to me, it was like I was in some dream land while I was pregnant and now it was time for reality. I was exhausted in the all seems like a blur. Here are some pictures of us and people that visited:

Nana (my grandmother)
Katie and Jason, Francesca and Josiah

Buddy's Dad- Emma is his first grandchild.
Buddy's mom and her side of the family.

Where do I Start?

Hello everyone! I am so excited about this have no idea! It has taken me hours just to figure out what I want it to look like. Unfortunately I know very little about computers, so for the time being...or until my hubbie will help me!...I will have to settle with what I have for now. They don't give you much room for creativity on this thing. You have to be a computer guru to add any extra stuff.

So...where do I start? Well since Buddy (my husband) and I have just been blessed with a baby girl, I think I will start with her story-from birth to now.

This is right after birth. This picture pretty much describes her:) She is very vocal. She was the loudest baby in the nursery!
But anyways, I think I will start the story before birth because its such a crazy one. Well lets see...I went to my 38 week appointment and I asked to have an ultrasound because I felt huge, and I was convinced that this baby was going to be big. The ultrasound confirmed my suspicions and measured the baby at 10 lbs 1oz. I was pretty upset.
I asked the doctor if I could be induced, and she said it was too early for that because I was only 38 weeks! Crazy huh? So...I called the other doctor in the practice and she got me in to see the nurse so that the nurse could set up an apt. to be induced (this was friday). On Monday I saw the nurse and was told that I could come in for induction that night...oh and one small detail-"make sure to call 2 hours beforehand just to make sure they aren't too busy." Has anyone heard of anything like this? So I called two hours before...and yep, they were too busy, and they stayed too busy until 24 hours later, when they let us come in (We called them every two hours until this point). When we got there they were still busy, so they put us in another part of the hospital until things cleared up.
So they gave me Cervidel (not sure about spelling) and let that do its job for 12 hrs. At the end of 12 hours I was 2cm. Things were looking hopeful. They were then able to move me to labor and delivery and give me pitocin. I was already having some pretty bad contractions, but the pitocin made me miserable. The contractions came every minute to 2 minutes. They gave me pain medicine, but everytime they did the contractions would slow down and start to be irregular.
After about 20 hours of misery for me and Buddy (who hates being cooped up and was getting no sleep)...the doctor came in and checked me. I was still 2 cm. She offered to break my water, and I said no thank you, I will take the c-section. So she got me in right away...thank goodness.
The surgery went very well, and Emma Grace Williams was born on Thursday July 3rd at 11:15 am.