Thursday, November 5, 2009

In Memory of Popi (1921-2009)

This post is in memory of Popi, my grandfather. He passed away on October 26th at 88 years of age. He was one of the most honorable and kind people I have ever known. He was like a 2nd father to me. I grew up living up the street from him and my Nana, and I would spend the weekends at their house. Those are some of the best memories I have ever had. I cannot describe in this post all of the wonderful things that Popi did while I knew him and all the reasons why I love him so much because they wouldn't all fit on this blog, but I will just list a few:

1. He was never afraid to stand up for what he believed in, even when it cost him greatly.

2. He believed in doing all that he did with excellence. He was a very diligent worker.

3. He was a good husband to my Nana, his love an adoration for her were always evident.

4. He had so much compassion for others, and loved to help those in need.

5. He was not afraid to share his faith even with complete strangers.

6. He had the best sense of humor of anyone I know, and he told the most fascinating stories.

7. He let me live with him and my Nana during the most difficult high school years after my Mom passed away (He certainly put up with a lot from me, but still loved me through all of it).

8. My mom used to tell me when I was growing up that "Popi can fix anything."
This statement is very close to being true :)

9. He would do just about anything for his wife, children and grandchildren.

10. I will always look up to Popi, and his life will continue to be an example to me of excellence, diligence, kindness, and selflessness.